Early on in our Farm to School program we realized that kale grows really well in our climate. With the help of our kitchen training coordinator and our school chef, we came up with a DELICIOUS kale salad recipe. We also found a couple of other places on the menu where kale could be substituted for other greens. Soon students were enjoying kale from all over the county: from local farms, in school gardens, and from our Farm to School Hub. Over the course of a school year, students can see kale growing, meet the farmer who grows it, and learn to harvest and prepare it themselves – ticking all the boxes for how to get kids to try something new.
This year, our kale consumption grew to the point we needed to buy from two farms – the Family Garden and Frog Song Organics! All of our kale served this week, till the end of the school year, will come from less than 15 miles away. That’s something to celebrate!

Students prepare for kale harvest at Idylwild Elementary

Littlewood Cafe welcomes fresh kale grown for students by students

UF’s Family Nutrition Program nutrition educators help students make their own kale salad on a field trip at the Hub

Kale growing in Family Garden fields

At our own Farm to School Hub.