A dozen Alachua County school garden champions applied for and received free supplies, equipment, transplants, and seeds for gardens at their schools. In exchange for sending the produce to the kitchen for inclusion in the school lunch program, schools receive up to $300 worth of support for their gardens for the season. We met them at Lowes, a partner in our Farm to School to Work Hub at Loften High School, and loaded up their trucks, trailers, and cars with everything from wood for raised beds to wheelbarrows, hoses, and tools. After loading up the supplies, they stopped by the Food and Nutrition Services van to pick up the transplants they ordered from the G.E.T. students at the Hub and seeds from the Southern Heritage Seed Collective at Forage Farm. We are as excited as they are to watch these plants grow into nutritious food for their students!
Farm to School Garden Champions
By farm2school|2017-12-08T03:41:33+00:00October 11th, 2014|News|Comments Off on Farm to School Garden Champions