And the livin’ is easy (er)… Students are enjoying (really!) a month of summer school during June – harvesting, cleaning up, and covering some of the beds for the summer.
Summertime in the south offers the kind of garden/farm respite that winter does up north. While some things don’t mind the heat, a lot of things we like to eat just can’t survive the high temperatures and humidity – and the plethora of pests. So garden work and workers take a rest – and we spend more time indoors, huddled around the air-conditioning vent, evaluating, reporting, and planning.
But first, harvest! Students have enjoyed snacking on cherry tomatoes, eggplant, and peppers. And today, they harvested some watermelons to try out in a taste test. Since these are heirloom varieties, they are also saving the seeds for next year. Needless to say, this is one of their favorite summer school activities.