We offer free field trips to district students almost every Friday! During school year 2019-20, we had hosted over 300 students before we had to stop due to the pandemic. We are looking forward to restarting this educational and FUN program during SY2021-22 and will continue to offer family field trips to families with children enrolled in e-school as well.

All field trips support grade level learning objectives. In addition, we try to customize when possible to individual student interests or current courses of study. Classes are divided into small groups of 5-7 students, rotating around different activity centers led by Farm to School staff with the assistance of GET students. Field trip activities vary according to the season and garden stages but are likely to include some of the following:

  • Garden tour/scavenger hunt – Observation skills with emphasis on grade-level science objectives. 
  • Compost game – How does compost work, how to compost, example of compost use. 
  • Tasting of nutritious garden food. 
  • Interactive story time at our outside classroom. 
  • Sowing seeds, watering, weeding, scouting for pests, and/or harvesting.

Please contact Chrystal Baker, Farm to School Coordinator at [email protected] for more information about how to arrange a field trip for your class or family.